The Global Remote Healing Network’s Mission
We feel that our coming together happened for a reason, by design rather than by chance, so that peaceful and
spiritual healers might join as one to heal with love, patience and compassion, using our God-given gifts of healing.
We are here as a group of energies working in unity to help heal our world with peace, compassion and harmony,
Working towards putting in place a system through which this process can flow easily, simply and clearly.
Our dearest wish was to be with a group that would work in harmony, sending pure energy and light for all that seek our help.
With our new group we are confident that this will happen, as we are all working together as equals.
We are proud and honoured to number ourselves among a group of like-minded individuals, all of whom
had the same idea at the same time and we are so pleased that many healers have decided to join us.
May this group prosper and grow so that miracles can happen.
Abundant blessings
GRHN Founders:
John Friend, Sue Martin, Barb Schmidt, Paru Viswanathan & Jenny Angell
The Global Remote Healing Network